People’s Anti Cruelty Association /Albuquerque Animal Rescue (PACA), a No-Kill all-volunteer rescue group, was founded in 1973. Our main mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehouse homeless dogs and cats. PACA has no shelter facility and relies on an organized network of foster parents who graciously take animals into their homes and hearts until permanent homes are found.
RESCUE: No-Kill for PACA means that healthy, adoptable animals are not destroyed unless their physical state is beyond modern medicine capabilities to fix and the best choice for the animal is humane euthanisia. We take dogs and cats in need that are found abandoned, neglected, or from local animal shelters. The number of animals we can assist depends on the foster care and financial resources available, so please donate or foster a dog or cat if possible.
REHABILITATE: PACA devotes resources to correct an animal’s health or behavioral problems. Many of our dogs and cats need rehabilitation mentally or physically. Our foster program allows the animals to recuperate in a home environment. PACA has a unique ability to help several fearful or feral dogs due to the training of a select group of foster parents. The rehabilitation process is best met by foster caregivers, not traditional kennel facilities.
REHOUSE: Animal Rescue requires short and long term temporary housing for animals. Our foster caregivers get to know the likes, dislikes, special needs, and personalities of our dogs and cats, This allows PACA to help our adopters choose a dog based on their desires for a companion animal and their lifestyle.
FIX THE 505 SPAY/NEUTER Program. PACA is committed to helping solve the problem of pet overpopulation in New Mexico. By using and advocating strong sterilization policies, implementing aggressive adoption programs and promoting active community involvement, PACA effectively participates in improving the lives of animals in our community. We offer a low cost spay/neuter program for families in need.
Feral Cat Trap Neuter Release PACA traps hundreds of cats yearly from feral cat colonies. If the kittens or cats can be adopted out, we get them into loving homes. If they are feral, we return them to their feral colony after spaying or neutering to live out their lives. This reduces the amount of feral cats in our communities.